The Green School for Boys

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Educational Trips and Visits

Our programme of educational trips and visits exists to support learning outside the classroom across all curriculum areas. Learning outside the classroom is about raising young people’s achievement through an organised, powerful approach to learning that promotes direct experience and acquiring skills through real life hands-on activities. This is not only about what we learn, but most importantly, how and where we learn.

We know that educational trips and visits, as part of a balanced curriculum, can act as a vehicle to develop young people’s capacity and motivation to learn. They also help to:

  • tackle social mobility and address educational inequality
  • raise aspirations and re-motivate students back in the classroom 
  • improve personal, social & emotional development

Existing Educational Trips and Visits

As part of our educational trips and visits programme, we work with the CEIAG co-ordinator to ensure that from Year 7, all students have the opportunity to explore what types of careers are available to them and what they might look like. We run educational visits to Sky, CISCO telecommunications and BAA Heathrow. Through our PSHCE curriculum we arrange visits to the Houses of Parliament and give students the chance to visit local universities for a glimpse into their potential future.

Other subject specific events have included:

  • Design Technology - Heathrow Coding Challenge / London Transport Museum
  • History - Rememberance Day Parade: Isleworth 360
  • Religious Education - SoulBox SMSC Day
  • English - Sky Academy
  • Science - Salters Chemistry Festival
  • Physical Education - Rockely Watersports Residential
  • Maths - Brunel University Robocoding
  • High Attainers - UCL Centenary Battlefields Tour

As we continue to grow, we will build on the work we have done at Key Stage 3 to support Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance for our Year 10 and Year 11 students, who will receive one-to-one advice and guidance meetings as well as targetted events with local universities and employers. Our subject specific events will also continue to grow as our team of Middle Leaders strive to provide exceptional opportunities for their students to learn outside of the classroom.