The Green School for Boys

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"reach beyond your grasp"


Our intent is to provide an aspirational and enriching education, motivated by our Christian foundation to extend the love of God within a supportive, inclusive community, where each person is known, valued and enabled to flourish; to explore and develop their God given talents, to engage with the world of today and to build a resilient and visionary hope for tomorrow rooted in joy, integrity wisdom and compassion. 


 If you wish to make an In-Year Application for The Green School for Boys, please contact the Admissions Officer by emailing


Secondary Transfer Applications for September 2026 will be open from 1st September 2025 to 31st October 2025



 The Green School for Boys is a Church of England School and welcomes applications from students  of the Anglican tradition, other Christian traditions and those of Other World Faiths and no Faith. Our full admissions criteria can be found here.

 The application process for The Green School for Boys is in two stages:

Stage one: Applying for an in-year admission.                                                       

For all schools you are applying for you need to complete an in year transfer application form for your Borough.

Stage Two:  Specifically for The Green School for Boys.

Religious Reference Form            

If you wish to apply for a Christian/Foundation  Place, as well as the Borough application above you must also print, fully complete and return the Religious Reference Form, unless you are applying for a sibling of a student at The Green School for Girls who was admitted under the Faith Criteria.. You will need to ask your Religious Leader to sign to verify your attendance. The school will only accept the original copy signed and verified by your Religious Leader. Please note The Green School Trust does not accept Certificates of Catholic Practice as part of the application process.


Application Checklist for The Green School for Boys

1) Borough application - have I named The Green School for Boys as one of my choices?                                                Yes/No                                                                                                                                                                                       

2) Religious Reference Form - If applying for a Faith place , have I completed the RRF and asked my Religious leader to sign it?    (Unless applying as a sibling of a student admitted under the Faith criteria to The Green School for Girls)    Yes/No                                                                                                                                                                                                                

If you have any queries please contact the Admissions Department, email or telephone 020 8232 7391.