The Green School for Boys

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Computer Science

Head of Faculty of Business and Computer Science - Mr R Moore


Our intent is to enable students to acquire transferable thinking skills based around logic and algorithmic strategies. Students will develop an understanding of the complex digital world and be able to embrace new technologies in a productive and responsible manner as well as experiment with modern programming languages, giving an insight into the programmer’s mind-set. We aim to develop creative and solution driven individuals who are ready for the 21st Century workplace.


In particular our students will:

  • Become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology, who can make informed choices about their use of information technology.
  • Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computing, including decomposition, abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • Analyse problems in computational terms, and have practical experience of writing computer programs (in Python) in order to solve such problems
  • Appreciate the relevance of digital literacy in our society and recognise it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment. 


What is Computer Science?

Computer science is the study of computers and how they work, including software, hardware, and algorithms. An algorithm is a list of instructions for completing a task. In computer science, an algorithm tells the computer what to do and how to do it.

Computer science is an umbrella term that covers everything from artificial intelligence and data science to robotics, game development, cybersecurity, and more. While you might think of computers as purely laptops or desktops, computer science involves more than just using technology, the basis for computer science is computational thinking.

Computational thinking is about understanding how computers solve real-world problems. There are things we do every day that use computational thinking, for example working out the shortest or most efficient way to travel to school. Being able to recognize how we think computationally and translating that to programming is a big part of gaining foundational computer science knowledge.

Why do we study Computer Science?

The vast majority of us use computers in our day-to-day lives for everything from gaming and communicating by email or on social media to finding information, paying our bills and shopping. As of September 2022 in the UK there were 67 million monthly active internet users, 46.6 million people accessing the internet daily with 84.3% of British people using social media. Most young people are tech savvy having grown up with computers and the internet but, do they understand how it works?

We study computer science  because it is important for young people to understand the how and why behind the digital technology that we have grown to depend on and is shaping the future of our society.

In addition, studying computer science supports the development of logical thinking and problem solving skills. These skills will help you with any subjects which require a degree of critical thinking.

What do we study?

  • Key Stage 3 builds a foundation in computer science, digital literacy and information technology. Students will be introduced to computer crime and cyber security, computational thinking, programming in Python, web development, AI and machine learning, networks, how computers work and data representation.

  • At Key Stage 4 we deliver the Edexcel Computer Science GCSE which includes study of computational thinking, data, computers, networks, ethics and issues, and programming in Python.

To view a full summary of our KS3 and KS4 Computer Science curriculum please click here

To view information about Computer Science at the Green School Sixth Form please click here



 How do we study Computer Science? 

Computer science is studied using a combination of unplugged activities and computer based activities. We focus on core skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as developing digital literacy using G-Suite and PCs.

Presentation of Work 

Students will complete work in exercise books and on digital apps such as G-Suite, Python and Whichever platform or medium we are working on, students are expected to take pride in their work at all times and review their own learning.

 Home Learning

Students are given computer science home learning on a weekly basis. Home learning tasks are designed to support knowledge acquisition through a combination of consolidation questions, self quizzing using knowledge organisers and research tasks.

 Co - curricular activities

Coding club is offered as part of year 7 and 8 enrichment, and GCSE coding club is offered after school.  In addition we participate in targeted enrichment activities with multinational organisations such as Sky and Accenture.

How parents/carers can support their children

You can further assist your son by ensuring that they have access to our Google classroom from home and supporting their interest in the programming side of the subject through websites such as, W3schools; Codecademy and Khan Academy.

Recommended Reading

Here are some great titles that we recommend you read:

  • Computational Fairy Tales by Jeremy Kubica
  • Captain Code: Unleash Your Coding Superpower with Python by Ben Forta
  • How Super Cool Tech Works by Dorling Kindersley Ltd
  • 100 Things to Know About Numbers, Computers & Coding - 100 Things to Know by Usborne Publishing Ltd



Formative assessment will take place in lessons through discussion and questioning. Teachers feedforward with verbal comments on how to improve on skills. Students complete cumulative assessments at the end of each topic which teachers use to provide whole-class feedforward using question level analysis. Summative assessments in computer science give students the opportunity to develop and practice skills needed for public examinations.

Careers Leading on from Computer Science

  • As well as a stepping-stone to further study at A-level, completion of a computer science qualification offers a variety of exciting career pathways.  Computer science qualifications are clearly important for technology focused careers in software development, hardware engineering, network architect, web developer, security analyst and information research scientist, to name just some. However the logical thinking and problem solving skills developed and acquired in computer science provide a foundation for a wide variety of careers.

  •  To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here